Two new pubs!

Haint, a creative non-fiction flash piece at Tin House’s Flash Fidelity about my gran who could never say #MeToo but found ways.

end at the skin is a very odd prose/poem at Strange Horizons about bodies, Otherness, multiverse and science.


So much

Catching up with some recent (and not-so-recent) publications:

Shitstorm  my creative non-fiction piece about poverty, my parents’ divorce, and the coldest winter in memory was published by the devastatingly lovely folks at Hobart.

it was never like this, it was always like this, my short fiction piece about virus, memory, and campus drug dealers is up at the ridiculously beautiful Cosmonaut’s Avenue.

And The Get-Get Man, short fiction at Fireside Fiction (guest editor, D.J. Older!).